
영어공부 11

우리집마녀 2022. 3. 28. 11:33

11th day

I need something. 나 뭐 좀 필요해.

I want to eat something. 나 뭐가 좀 먹고싶어.

I have(need) to go somewhere. 나 어디 좀 가야돼.

I have(need) to meet someone. 나 누구 좀 만나야 해. (나 만날 사람이 좀 있어.)


I need something light. 나 뭔가 가벼운게 필요해.

I need something lighter. 나 뭔가 가벼운게 필요해.

I want to eat something sweet. 나 좀 단게 필요해.

I want to eat something really spicy. 진짜 매운게 좀 먹고 싶어.

I want to go somewhere quiet.  나 어디 좀 조용한데 가고싶어.


It takes 5 minute.  5분 걸려요.

It costs 5000 won. 5000원이 든다.

(3인칭 단수, 현재형 시제 이므로 cost, take가 아닌 costs, takes를 쓴다)

It cost 5000 won.    

* take - took - taken

* cost - cost - cost

It takes a lot of time. 시간이 많이 걸려요.

It costs a lot of money. 돈이 많이 들어요.

It cost a lot of money. 돈이 많이 들었어요.

It took a lot of time. 시간이 많이(오래) 걸렸어요.

It took long time.

It took really(very) long. 시간이 진짜 오래 걸렸어요.

It is going to takes a lot of time. / a long time / long 시간이 많이 걸릴꺼에요.

It's going to cost a lot of money. 돈이 많이 들거에요.

It doesn't take a lot of time. / long / very long 시간이 많이 걸리지 않을거에요.

(very long이 가장 자연스러운 문장이 된다.)

It didn't take very long. 시간이 많이 걸리지 않았어요.

It's not going to take very long. 시간이 많이 걸리지 않을 거에요.

It costs a lot (of money.)(생략가능) 비용이 많이 들어요. 

It doesn't cost a lot. (very much.) 돈이 많이 안들어요

It didn't cost very much. 돈이 많이 안들었어요. (과거)

It's going to cost very much. 돈이 많이 들거에요. (미래)

It's not going to cost very much. 돈이 많이 들지 않을거에요. 



It takes a lot of time.

→ Does it take a lot of time (long)? 오래 걸리나요?

→ Did it take long? (a lot of time?) 오래 걸렸나요?

It's going to take long.

→ Is it going to take long?

→ Will / Would it take long? 시간이 오래 걸릴까요?

How long does it take?  얼마나 걸리죠?
How long did it take?
How long would it take?

It costs a lot of money.

→ Does it cost a lot (of money)?

→ Did it cost very much?

* a lot of money에서 of money는 생략가능

* a lot of money를 a lot, very much ,much로 쓸 수 있다.


It's going to cost a lot of money.

Would it cost much?

How much does it cost?
did it cost?
would it cost?


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